Terms and Conditions – Jericho Writers
Jericho Writers
Box 321, 266 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DL, United Kingdom
UK: +44 (0)330 043 0150
US: +1 (646) 974 9060

Terms and Conditions


About Us

Jericho Writers is the trading name of Jericho Writers Limited, company number 12408774, and registered at Palladium House, 1-4 Argyll Street, London, United Kingdom, W1F 7LD. Our office address is 4 Acer Walk, Oxford OX2 6EX. Our VAT registration is GB344349592.

These terms outline our website terms of use and our more general terms and conditions (including refund policy). For any customer-related enquiries, it may be easier to contact our Writer Support team via info@jerichowriters.com.

Acceptance of these terms

Please read these terms and conditions carefully: if you do not agree to the following terms and conditions for use of this website, please leave this website immediately.

The use of these World Wide Web pages of Jericho Writers (referred to as “we” / “our” / “us”) is subject to the terms and conditions set out below.

As a user of this website (referred to as “you” / “your”), your use will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of these terms and conditions.


These Website Terms of Use contain the entire understanding between you and us in relation to your use of our website and its content. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to modify, alter or otherwise update these terms and conditions and/or our web pages at any time without notifying you and you agree to be bound by any such modifications. You should check this website from time to time to review the then current version of these Website Terms of Use.


For information about how we process your personal data, please read our privacy statement.


The copyright in material on these web pages and the database right in this website is either owned by or licensed to us and is protected by the laws of the United Kingdom, international treaties and all other applicable intellectual property laws.

You are permitted to retrieve and display content from this website on the device from which you initially accessed or downloaded it and you may print a single copy of individual pages, solely for your personal non-commercial use.


Any unauthorised downloading, retransmission, or other copying or modification of any of the contents of any of these web pages may be in breach of statutory or common law rights which could be the subject of legal action.


You may not republish any of the content of this website in any manner without our prior written consent.


You may not:

  • Remove any news source identification, copyright notices, trademark notices, or other notices or proprietary restrictions from any of the material or information contained in these web pages.
  • Use any graphics from this website separately from accompanying text.
  • Modify documents or related graphics on this website (or reproductions in other media of such documents or related graphics) in any way.


You agree not to send unsolicited e-mails for the purposes of advertising or market research to the e-mail addresses provided on this website.


All other company and product names together with all other third-party devices, logos, icons, graphics or designs as may be referred to on the pages of this website from time to time, are the trademarks of their respective owners and are exhibited only in such a manner as is intended to be for the benefit of such trademark owners: we intend no infringement of such trademarks.


The appearance or absence of products, services, companies, organisations, or other such content on this website does not imply any endorsement by us.


This section contains provisions which restrict the extent to which we are liable to you for any loss you may suffer in connection with your use of this website.

By using this website, you agree that you will be liable for any loss we (or people connected with us) suffer as a result of breach of these Website Terms of Use by you or by certain people connected with you.

Please read the following section carefully and if you do not agree to these conditions, please leave this website immediately.


The information, materials and functions contained in this website (including text, graphics, links or other items) are provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind and may be out of date or may otherwise contain errors or omissions. The information is for general purposes and guidance only and does not purport to constitute professional advice.

If you contact us to give us feedback or testimonial-type comment on a product or service that we have offered, you agree that we may use that comment (without identifying you beyond Firstname and Surname Initial, eg: “Sam B”) in our promotional material. If you do not wish us to do this, please say so when you make your comment.

The provision by us of a link to another website does not constitute authorisation to access that location, nor evidence of our endorsement of those materials.


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law we exclude all other liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage that may result to you or to a third party in connection with the use, inability to use or the results of use of this website, any websites linked to this website or the material on such websites.

For the avoidance of doubt, this exclusion of liability extends to (but is not limited to) loss or damage due to:

  • Errors or omissions from information, materials or functions in or of this website (or any websites linked to this website).
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  • Collaboration with any third-party as a result of using our website (we will not in any way be construed as a party to such collaboration, nor shall we be liable in any way for the dealings you may have with that third-party).
  • Viruses, worms, trojans or other hostile computer programs that may infect your computer equipment, software, data or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing this website or your downloading of any material from this website (or any websites linked to this website).
  • Computer failure resulting for any reason from the use of this website (or any websites linked to this website).
  • Breach of any conditions implied by law (including without limitation any conditions of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill) which but for these Website Terms of Use might have effect in relation to this website.


You agree that you shall be liable for any foreseeable and reasonable costs incurred by us in respect of any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims (including reasonable legal fees incurred in defending any action or otherwise) sustained or incurred by us, our agents, suppliers, customers, officers, or employees, and arising as a direct result of breach by you of these Website Terms of Use.


The headings are for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of these Website Terms of Use.


In these Website Terms of Use, unless the context otherwise requires:

  • The singular shall include the plural and vice versa.
  • References to persons shall include bodies corporate, unincorporated associations and partnerships.
  • Words importing the whole shall be treated as including a reference to any part thereof.


Any waiver by either you or us of a breach of any provision of these Website Terms of Use shall not be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision of these Website Terms of Use.


You and we are, with respect to one another, independent parties. Nothing in these Website Terms of Use is intended to nor shall create any partnership, joint venture or agency.


We shall be entitled to transfer, sub-licence and/or assign any of our rights and/or obligations under these Website Terms of Use. This will not affect your rights under these Website Terms of Use.

You may not transfer, sub-licence or assign any of your rights or obligations under these Website Terms of Use without our written consent.


Every provision of these Website Terms of Use shall be construed separately, applying and surviving even if for any reason any of these provisions is held inapplicable or unenforceable in any circumstances.


These Website Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with United Kingdom law and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United Kingdom courts. You are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws of the country from which you access our website.


If you have any queries about these Website Terms of Use, or any other aspect of our website, or you have any comments or complaints, you can contact us using this form on our Contact Us page


Without prejudice to your statutory rights, refunds are issued in accordance with the following policy (and, in the case of doubt or ambiguity, according to our judgement and sole discretion):


If a customer wishes to be refunded on a short tutored course (that is, any course less than 12 weeks in duration), they are entitled to a refund up to 14 days before the course starts, but note that an administration fee of £75 will be charged. After the 14-day cutoff, no refund is possible. To avoid loss, we strongly advise customers to ensure they are able to take the course on the dates advertised, and that they are comfortable undertaking this online. Should a customer wish to transfer their place to the next scheduled course, this is only possible if places remain, and a £75 administration fee will be charged. No changes will be possible once a course has started.


When a customer applies for our mentoring service, they are under no obligation to proceed to payment. If a customer wishes to be partially refunded for the mentoring service after having embarked on the mentoring process, such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and, in all cases, an administration fee will be charged.


A monthly Premium Membership to Jericho Writers can be cancelled at any time, but cannot be refunded. An annual Premium Membership (including annual membership paid by monthly instalments) can likewise be cancelled at the end of the subscription, but cannot be refunded. Requests for partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and for annual membership payments only, but there is no automatic right to any refund.

The content of the membership package may change at any time and there is no guarantee that a service or piece of content that is currently available will remain available at any future date. When live events (such as webinars) are scheduled, we will seek to run that event as planned but may need to cancel, alter the presenter, or otherwise revise the content.

Advice given as part of the membership service is given in good faith, but may not take account of your exact needs or circumstances. We accept no liability whatsoever for harms you may suffer by relying upon our advice. In the end, you must use your judgement to decide what is best for you.

The data provided via AgentMatch is compiled in good faith from publicly available sources. That material is regularly reviewed and updated. If users notify us of errors or pages that have become out of date, we will make our best efforts to update and correct those pages promptly. Nevertheless, users should not rely on AgentMatch alone and should always verify its data using agents’ own websites and other trustworthy sources.


Editorial assessments can typically not be refunded at any point, because we will start work as soon as payment has been made. Should a refund be agreed, we reserve the right to retain a £50 admin fee. Clients need to be aware that editorial advice is just that – advice – and you may well disagree with some or all of the advice given. Our primary commitment here is that any editorial advice given is given in good faith by a suitably experienced and committed editor. Naturally, we can make no guarantee that the editorial suggestions offered will improve the manuscript and we certainly cannot promise that, if you follow our suggestions, your book will necessarily be of publishable quality. Other things to consider:

  • We reserve the right to return your work and payment to you should we fail to find a suitable editor. In these exceptional circumstances, a full refund will be issued.
  • We aim to provide an assessment within 4-6 weeks but cannot guarantee this
  • Your work will always be treated in the strictest confidence.
  • The copyright of your work is automatically yours and remains yours at all times.
  • Recommendations to agents will only be made after an assessment if both the editor and the writers support team deem your work to be potentially marketable.
  • In the event that we wish to forward your work to agent or publishers on your behalf, we will never do so without seeking your permission first.
  • Whilst we realise that receiving feedback is a sensitive process, we expect authors to behave in a professional manner and reserve the right to stop corresponding with you should your manner be offensive to our staff.
  • Whilst we accept that writing deals with subject matter of all kinds, our editors reserve the right not to work on projects that they deem it to be excessively and unacceptably offensive

The term “editorial assessments” includes manuscript assessment, developmental editing, opening section assessments, agent submission pack reviews, or any other service with editorial feedback at its heart.


Coyediting assignments (including line-editing and proof-reading) are also non-refundable, as we start work immediately. While we do promise to use experienced copyeditors who will work diligently and in good faith on your manuscript, please note that one single round of copyediting is not likely to remove all errors from a manuscript. Books produced by large publishers will typically be professionally copyedited, and proofread, and checked through at least once and probably twice by both editor and author. Even so errors creep through. So while our copyediting is excellent, clients need to have a realistic view of what will be accomplished. Final responsibility for the manuscript, including outright errors as well as faults of style etc, remain always with the author. It is your duty to notify us of any specific instructions you would like the editor to follow.


Refunds for one-day events, evening masterclasses and the like, will be issued, subject to a £50 admin charge, up to 14 days before the event. After that time, no refunds can be issued as we will have confirmed numbers to the venue and may not be able to resell your ticket.


While we have close connections with our participating agents, we take no responsibility for the feedback provided during your one-to-one session. They represent their own interests and that of their agency. Clients need to be aware that advice is just that – advice – and you may well disagree with some or all of the advice given. Our primary commitment here is that any advice given is given in good faith by a suitably committed agent. We can make no guarantee that the suggestions offered by one agent will necessarily lead to a publishing deal with another agent. One-to-one sessions with a literary agent will only be refunded if:

  1. The session is cancelled up to 14 days prior. This gives us sufficient time to re-sell your time slot.
  2. Your submission has not yet been uploaded or read by the agent.

You can cancel one or multiple sessions by emailing the team at info@jerichowriters.com with full details.


Summer Festival of Writing tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded. If you do wish to cancel, you may request a refund by writing to info@jerichowriters.com. We will consider the circumstances surrounding any such request, but our policy, in general, is not to issue refunds. The same policy applies whether you pay upfront or in installments. That is: if you make one installment payment, you are obliged to make them all, unless specifically exempted by us, in writing.


Refund information and other terms relating to the physical Festival of Writing are set out lower down this page.

Refund information and other terms relating to the Ultimate Novel Writing Course are set out lower down this page.



Please ensure you are able to attend before booking this event. Bookings are offered on a first come, first served basis.

Unpaid bookings may be treated as a cancellation. If we do not receive your payment within 2 working days of your booking, we will cancel your ticket and one-to-ones.

If you need to cancel your booking, please notify us immediately.

Refunds are made on the following basis:

  • Up to 12 weeks prior to the event – full refund, but subject to a £75 admin fee
  • Less than 12 weeks prior to the event – no refund possible.

We will always endeavor to treat emergency cancellations with consideration and will review individual cases.


We cannot reimburse travel costs or other losses incurred in the event of cancellation by us or you. You are advised to take out travel insurance to cover potential loss arising from cancellation or any other eventuality affecting your booking, that includes coverage for Festival ticket costs and travel costs. You should ensure that any policy you take meets your needs

Our liability to you in all cases is limited to the Festival Ticket you have booked.


We reserve the right to make changes to the advertised programme and tutors. As we plan The Festival of Writing programme in advance, changes may occur to some courses, and occasionally book doctors, workshop leaders, agents and publishers are unavailable. We always endeavour to replace them with someone of similar expertise, but may not always succeed in so doing. Where one-to-one sessions are cancelled or changed, we will make best efforts to notify you promptly and make alternative arrangements.


Jericho Writers is committed to providing a supportive and welcoming environment that depends on tolerance and understanding of all participants.

We ask that delegates treat each other, agents, publishers, book doctors, workshop leaders, and Jericho Writers representatives with consideration and respect.

We reserve the right to refuse entry or exclude from The Festival of Writing any delegate who behaves in a disruptive, disrespectful manner, or engages in discriminatory or illegal conduct. No refund will be given if exclusion is made for these reasons. Our judgement on the matter will be final.


Please note that, with the exception of guide dogs, pets are not permitted anywhere at The Festival of Writing.


The Festival of Writing is only open to people aged 18 and over.


Please see our Privacy policy for details – but in essence, we’ll store and process your details as needed to manage your participation in the event. We will never sell or otherwise give away those details to a third-party.


Jericho Writers cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or expense sustained by delegates as a result of an event or circumstance whether arising from natural cause, human agency, or beyond its control otherwise.


If you have specific needs around access and participation, it is important that you advise Jericho Writers at the time of booking so that we can ensure adequate and appropriate help. If you require a carer to accompany you, please contact the office and we can discuss how we can help.


Parking is issued on a first come first served basis, with ANPR and a machine at the exit. There are 60 spaces and it is charged at £15.00 per day at weekends. There are two disabled spaces.


By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you are agreeing to be photographed or filmed. We will be filming several workshops, these will be made available to our Members. Photographs may be taken for promotional purposes.


Jericho Writers are committed to providing a wonderful experience for all attendees of The Festival of Writing. After the event, we will give you the opportunity to provide feedback on an evaluation form/survey/questionnaire.

It is always lovely to hear what we did right, but if you feel that we did not meet your expectations we want to know that as well.

Often things can be resolved quickly and simply. So, do find one of the team during the event and let us know about your problem. We will want to help and sort it out. If you feel this is not sufficient, you may wish to make a formal complaint. Note that all complaints should be made in writing, within ten working days of the close of The Festival of Writing


Please ensure you have requested your appointments with the most appropriate people for your work. All work for one-to-ones must be submitted in the requested format and by the deadline date. Once you have submitted your work, we are not able to accept further versions. Work received after the deadline may not be reviewed by your Agent or Book Doctor prior to the event. It is advisable to bring several copies of your work along with you.

If you miss your slot we will endeavour to arrange feedback with a suitable alternative, but cannot guarantee that this will be possible.

The timing of your one-to-one is strictly enforced. Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time. If you arrive late you will not be allowed to over-run.

All one-to-one sessions run concurrently with the programme, so it is perfectly acceptable to leave a workshop or seminar to attend your one-to-one session, and re-join the workshop later.

Do note that the agents and book doctors are providing advice: constructive feedback on your work to help you develop and refine it. But advice is simply that. You may or may not like or agree with those comments. Other agents or book doctors might or might not provide similar feedback and, in the end, it is your judgement about what comments to rely on as you revise your draft text. Please also note that Jericho Writers does not employ the agents or book doctors directly and, while we make great efforts to invite only those people who we think will contribute professionally and usefully to the event, we cannot make any guarantees as to the quality or professionalism of their services.

If you do feel downhearted or upset by anything, please do talk to a member of the team. Most of us are writers ourselves, and we’ll help any way we can.


We schedule webinars in good faith, but cannot guarantee that a given speaker will be able to attend. Where possible we will find suitable replacements, but in some cases we may be obliged to cancel altogether.

We reserve the right to remove you from the chat during our webinars if your behavior is detrimental to the event, abusive to our staff or speakers or causes offence.

We make great efforts to ensure that our events proceed without technical glitches or interruptions in communications, but we cannot guarantee this. Most communications problems lie at the user’s end; we recommend connecting your device directly to the router via ethernet cable, as this solves most problems.

We reserve the right not to upload a webinar for replay if the speaker withdraws consent, or for any other reason.

Speakers may refer to third-party resources or websites, but of course such references do not imply endorsement by Jericho Writers. All use of such resources is at the user’s risk and reliant, always, on the user’s own judgement of their own individual requirements.

We use webinar technology with an embedded chat function, but we cannot guarantee that this function will work, either in general or for you specifically. We are not able to answer your technical questions about the operation of this software (which ought to be intuitive and easy).

We cannot guarantee that any questions you may pose on the chat will be answered, or that your work will be chosen for live critique.

All statements made at our events are advisory only, and intended as general guidance. We do not know the details of your circumstances and accept no liability whatsoever in the event that such advice is not beneficial to you.


The following terms relate to the Ultimate Novel Writing Course offered here.


We endeavour to choose the most user-friendly platforms to deliver this course on. Please note that both Jericho Writers and tutors are not able to offer technical support, so please ensure you have a reasonable understanding of web-browsing and using online platforms before taking this course.


We welcome students from anywhere in the world – and our client base is very international. This course is open internationally to writers from all over the world, and all online calls and live events will be scheduled according to UK time (GMT/BST).

Please note, that if your course membership grants access to in-person events, you will be responsible for subsidising any travel and accommodation needed to attend the event. If you are not able to attend the event, we will make our best efforts to add value remotely; for example, by arranging online literary agent one-to-ones or similar. We do not warrant that any such remote-learning tools/experiences will equate to the value of the live event itself. If your course offers access, or discounted access, to the York Festival of Writing and the festival is then not able to take place, we will do our best to provide an alternative in the form of another in-person or online event. We do not warrant that any alternative events provided will equal the value of the York Festival of Writing.

Please note, Jericho Writers has somewhat better connections with literary agents in the UK than in other English-speaking countries (though this is changing rapidly). The agents we mostly work with, however, are very international and are open to clients from anywhere in the world.


We welcome students from anywhere in the world – and our client base is very international. This course is open internationally for writers from all over the world, and all online calls and events will be scheduled according to New York Time (EST/ET).

Please note, that if your course membership grants access to in-person events, you will be responsible for subsidising any travel and accommodation needed to attend the event. If you are not able to attend the event, we will make our best efforts to add value remotely, for example, by arranging online literary agent one-to-ones or similar. We do not warrant that any such remote-learning tools/experiences will equate to the value of the live event itself. If your course offers access, or discounted access, to the York Festival of Writing and the festival is then not able to take place, we will do our best to provide an alternative in the form of another in-person or online event. We do not warrant that any alternative events provided will equal the value of the York Festival of Writing.

Please note, Jericho Writers has somewhat better connections with literary agents in the US than other English-speaking locations (though this is changing rapidly.) The agents we mostly work with, however, are very international and are open to clients from anywhere in the world.


Before the course starts:  

There is a £750 non-refundable deposit when you sign up onto the course. If you make payment for the course and are forced to cancel, we will seek to resell your place. If we are successful, you will receive a full refund, minus the non-refundable deposit of £750. 

If we are reselling your place with very little notice, we may be obliged to offer discounts to secure update. This will impact the total refund you will receive once your place has been filled.   

If we are not successful in reselling your place, you will not receive a refund.

Once the course starts:

If for any reason you decide to leave the course after it starts, you will still be liable for the full fees, both if you have elected to make payments via one lump sum or via an instalment plan. Our tutors and staff have committed a large part of their time to be part of the Ultimate Novel Writing Course and your fees contribute to their livelihood. When joining the course, you are signing up to this commitment and so a refund will not be possible. 


The course works best if you participate in the course and write your novel alongside the timetable allowed for the course material. That said, we understand that life can be unpredictable. All students will have lifetime access to course material. Webinars & tutorials will be recorded and available for replay. We will be happy to extend your access to all digital material for as long as you need. And your assigned tutor will be as flexible as possible if you are obliged to submit work late. In short, we will do what we reasonably can to accommodate life-hiccups.

By signing up to the course, you are also agreeing to comply with the Ultimate Novel Writing Course Code of Conduct:

Code of Conduct

As a student on the Ultimate Novel Writing Course:

  • I will try to follow all tutorials and complete homework tasks to the assigned deadlines (students will not be penalized if they are unable to complete tasks for any reason).
  • I will keep in correspondence with my mentor to organize and attend mentoring sessions.
  • I will take part in peer-feedback and be respectful and polite when doing so, following the course feedback guidelines.
  • I will treat all work equally, no matter the genre or topic.
  • I will take onboard constructive feedback from my peers and mentor/tutors.
  • I will commit to working on my manuscript with the aim of having a completed manuscript by the end of the course (but we understand that life can get in the way and we will support you regardless).
  • I will join in with all calls, webinars and writing sprints when I am available.
  • I will keep my tutor/mentor and the Jericho Writer’s Courses and Mentoring team informed about any changes to my personal or financial circumstances which might prevent me from completing the course.
  • I will not act in an unfriendly or unpleasant manner to my fellow students, tutors/mentors or Jericho Writer’s staff.
  • In my communications with course participants and tutors, I will not use racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, sexually explicit or abusive terms or images, or language which is likely to cause offense. We do not tolerate hate in any form.
  • I may engage in debate where appropriate to the learning experience but I will not deliberately attack or offend others.
  • I will not insult, harass, or bully any of my peers or tutors in anyway. I will aim to be honest, critical and kind in feedback and communication.

As mentioned above, any breach in the Code of Conduct may result in being removed from the course permanently.


This course does not confer any type of academic qualification, nor will students study literary theory or English literature more generally. If students want those outcomes, we advise exploring Masters courses in Creative Writing or the Fine Arts.

Students should also expect to self-fund their course. We are not aware of government or charitable bodies that are likely to offer funding.


This course has been prepared by experienced editors/writers in conjunction with Jericho Writers, an internationally respected authority on the process of getting writers published or successfully self-published. For the sake of clarity:

  • We cannot guarantee that students will end up securing the services of a literary agent and/or get traditionally published. If a student is traditionally published, there is no guarantee that the financial and other elements of the resultant deal will be satisfactory.
  • We cannot offer any guarantee as to the successful outcome of any self-publishing venture.
  • Timings are exceedingly hard to predict. Some writers find themselves speeding through the journey to publication; for others, the process may take a decade or more – or it may never happen.
  • Our editorial advice is simply that: advice. Students may or may not choose to accept it. They may or may not welcome it. Other third-party editors may or may not identify similar problems and/or recommend specific solutions.
  • Similarly, with our advice on publishing, marketing, self-publishing, and related topics. We seek to be informed, intelligent and current with our advice, but our advice may or may not be accepted by students and other third parties may recommend strategies other than those we propose.

In short, though this course is vocational in nature, we cannot guarantee that students will secure the outcomes they want, and that our advice, though experienced, will never be the final or only word on a given topic.


From time to time, a tutor or mentor may not be available to provide their services as scheduled. In those cases, a capable replacement will be made available, where possible. In the event a course session is cancelled, we will endeavour to provide an alternative session, but shall not be obliged to do so, and no part of this course shall be refundable.

We may also, from time to time, choose to alter the specific subject matter of what is being discussed. In general, the services and benefits of this course should be viewed as a whole, and our primary obligation is to deliver the course such that its overall objectives are effectively fulfilled.


The following terms relate to our Mentoring service, more details can be found here.


Your mentor will:

  • Provide support that effectively and accurately fills the number of hours you have booked. This time may be spent reading work, exchanging emails, on phone/video calls or similar. Mentors are, however, not expected to spend more than the allotted time on any given student. Please note, any time required by mentors to read any material (manuscripts, query letters, etc.) will be included in the hours paid for.
  • Give honest and constructive advice, informed by their own experience writing/editing and navigating the publishing industry.
  • Respond sympathetically to your needs and ensure they respond to your communications in a helpful and timely manner. They are not expected to always be on call, but you should feel you have an accessible source of help and support. 
  • Have the intention to help you meet the objectives set out when seeking mentoring support, whether that is to get published, to prepare for self-publishing, to improve as a writer, or a combination of several goals.
  • Keep a detailed time log recording how the mentoring hours have been spent.


All teaching materials generated by the mentor shall belong to them. Teaching materials generated in dialogue with you shall belong to the mentor, and the mentor’s use of those materials shall respect your entitlement to privacy.

All manuscripts and other material written by you belongs to you alone. Even if parts of that work have already been published (for example) as part of a peer-to-peer feedback on a platform provided by Jericho Writers, we shall have no claim over that work. Likewise, if a piece of your work embeds or otherwise makes use of the mentoring commentary, the resultant piece of work shall belong to you alone.


Each mentoring purchase is subject to an expiry date, to ensure you use the hours within a timely manner to make the most of your mentoring.

Please see the limits assigned to each order below:

  • 10 hours or less: All the hours need to be used in 12 months or less.
  • 11-20 hours: All the hours need to be used in 18 months or less.
  • 21-30 hours: All the hours need to be used in 24 months or less.

If, at the end of the allotted time, you fail to use all your purchased hours, the remaining hours will expire and be non-refundable.

Any extensions to these expiry dates will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and we will only grant these extensions with your mentor’s approval.

To request an extension, you should send a written request to both your mentor and Jericho Writers (courses@jerichowriters.com)


When a customer applies for our mentoring service, they are under no obligation to proceed to payment. If a customer wishes to be partially refunded for the mentoring service after having embarked on the mentoring process, such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and, in all cases, an administration fee will be charged.



The Jericho Writers Community (also known as ‘Townhouse’) has been created and is operated by Jericho Writers. Our community is free to use and participation is open to all serious writers.

Your content: If you have created a piece of content, you may copy, retrieve, or delete it at any point. While it is on this site, you agree that we will display it according to the ordinary rules of this site. We cannot however guarantee that your work will be safe from deletion or loss, so you should make absolutely sure you have a safe backup for anything you want to keep.

Other people’s content: If other people have created and uploaded content, please ask them before making copies. The copyright is theirs, not yours.

Our content: You are welcome to make use of any material we have generated so long as that is for your own personal and non-commercial use. (Support of your general writing career doesn’t count as “commercial” for these purposes.)

In all cases where you have not created the content, please be aware that the material on this site is protected by copyright law in the United Kingdom and by applicable law and international treaties in most other jurisdictions too.


You are granted free use of the Community in exchange for a validated email address and the agreement of the full terms of use of this platform. You may no longer use the forum if we contact you directly to say that you may not. We do not have to give a reason for any such refusal of service.


You may not break the law using this Community. You may not seek to use another’s account without their specific permission. You may not buy, sell, or otherwise trade in usernames or other unique identifiers.

You may not send advertisements, chain letters, or other solicitations through the Community, or use the forum to gather addresses or other personal data for commercial mailing lists or databases. You may not use the Community to send e-mail to distribution lists, newsgroups, or group mail aliases.

You may not falsely imply that you’re affiliated with or endorsed by Jericho Writers, or remove any marks showing proprietary ownership from materials you download from the Community.

You may not disable, avoid, or circumvent any security or access restrictions of the Community.

You may not strain infrastructure of the Community with an unreasonable volume of requests, or requests designed to impose an unreasonable load on information systems underlying the Community.

You may not impersonate others.

You may not encourage or help anyone in violation of these terms.


You may not submit content to the forum that is illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful to others. This includes content that is harassing, inappropriate, or abusive.

You may not submit content to the forum that violates the law, infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights, violates anyone’s privacy, or breaches agreements you have with others.

You may not submit content to the forum containing malicious computer code, such as computer viruses or spyware.

You may not submit content to the forum as a mere placeholder, to hold a particular address, user name, or other unique identifier.

You may not use the forum to disclose information that you don’t have the right to disclose, like others’ confidential or personal information.

Jericho Writers is not responsible for any content of this kind on the Community, but may investigate violations of these terms and assist in any criminal or civil investigation or prosecution.

We reserve the right to change, redact, and delete content on the community for any reason and without notice. You accept that we have no responsibility for any offence, harm or other loss that you may occur as a result of reading or seeing user-generated content on our Community. You understand that we have no responsibility for statements made by other users on the Community and you will use your own judgement in relation to any advice or suggestions contained in those statements.


The Community is a free platform offered by Jericho Writers and the underlying software is provided by a third-party vendor, over whom we have no control. We have no ability to alter the underlying software powering the site. We are therefore not able to offer users any support with the use of this Community platform, including technical assistance, and we cannot be held responsible for any software errors, or other unexpected consequences of the software.

Users who require assistance for writing-related issues can contact Jericho Writers using the form on our Contact Us page


You must create and log into an account to use some features of the forum.

To create an account, you must provide some information about yourself. If you create an account, you agree to provide, a valid email address, and to keep that address up-to-date, as well as a username and password. You may close your account at any time using the tools provided

You agree to be responsible for all action taken using your account, whether authorised by you or not.

The company may restrict, suspend, or close your account according to its policy for handling copyright-related takedown requests.

Breaching any of these rules may result in a warning, temporary removal or permanent removal from the community and any future iterations of the community.


We will never sell or share your personal details with any third party without your express permission.

The contact details with which you join the community will be used to send you Jericho Writers newsletters and other communication. You can opt out of receiving these at any time.


You accept all risk of using the Community and content on the Community. As far as the law allows, Jericho Writers and its suppliers provide the Community as is, without any warranty whatsoever.

Neither Jericho Writers nor its suppliers will be liable to you for breach-of-contract damages their personnel could not have reasonably foreseen when you agreed to these terms.

As far as the law allows, the total liability to you for claims of any kind that are related to the forum or content on the forum will be limited to £50.


 The following rules apply to all draws and competitions held via the Community:

  • Unless stated otherwise, all prize draws and competitions are open to worldwide entrants aged 18 or over. 
  • Jericho Writers is not responsible for any prizes lost or damaged during delivery.
  • Where the original advertised prize is not available, an alternative will be provided.
  • If address or contact confirmation is required from the winner, this must be provided to Jericho Writers within 28 days of us contacting you about your win. If not, another winner will be chosen.
  • In the case of surveys, all entrants who provide an email address will be entered into a draw to win the prize or prizes. Entrants will be chosen at random.
  • In the case of a ‘talent’ competition (including but not limited to writing competitions and pitching competitions) the judge or judges’ decision is final.

Black Friday 2022

These Terms and Conditions apply to the Jericho Writers Black Friday promotions: 

  1. This Jericho Writers Black Friday promotional offer will run from Wednesday 18 November 2022  – Monday 28 November 2022 (23:59 GMT). 
  1. The promotional offer is only available on jerichowriters.com  
  1. The promotion offers 30% off Premium Annual Membership (paid up front) with Jericho Writers, valid from the date of purchase.  
  1. The promotional offer can be redeemed by purchasing an annual membership from jerichowriters.com and entering the coupon code BLACKPASS at the checkout.  
  1. The Black Friday promotion cannot be purchased as a gift/on behalf of someone else.  
  1. If the customer has an active monthly membership, they may redeem the 30% off promotional offer on annual membership, but the existing monthly membership will still run and will have to be cancelled by the client manually.  
  1. The 30% discount will be applied to the first year of membership and will renew automatically 12 months after the date of purchase at the reduced price (30% off applied) of £105/€122/$126.36* equivalent in the customer’s local currency, unless cancelled by the customer.  
  1. The lifetime 30% discount will be lost if the customer cancels their membership.  
  1. We do not offer a single year subscription paid up-front. If the customer wishes to join for 12 months only, they must cancel their subscription manually within 12 months of the date of purchase.  
  1. If an annual membership is cancelled during the first 12-months, no refund will be issued for that period.  


 *Price is calculated based on the exchange rate at the time of purchase.  

May Membership Offer 2022

These Terms and Conditions apply to the Jericho Writers May Membership promotion: 

  • This Jericho Writers May Membership promotional offer will run from Tuesday 3 May 2022 (23:59 GMT) – Tuesday 31 May 2022 (23:59 GMT). 
  1. The promotional offer is only available on jerichowriters.com  
  1. The promotion offers 33% off an annual membership with Jericho Writers, valid from the date of purchase. The offer is available when paying upfront or via monthly instalments. 
  1. The promotional offer can be redeemed by purchasing an annual membership from jerichowriters.com and entering the coupon code JW-MAY at the checkout.  
  1. This promotion cannot be purchased as a gift/on behalf of someone else.  
  1. If the customer has an active monthly membership, they may redeem the 33% off promotional offer on annual membership, but the existing monthly membership will still run and will have to be cancelled by the client manually.  
  1. If the customer has an active annual membership, this offer cannot be redeemed. An annual membership bought outside of this campaign can be cancelled at any time, but cannot be refunded. Requests for partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and for annual membership payments only, but there is no automatic right to any refund. 
  1. If an annual membership bought during this May campaign is cancelled during the 12-month period, no refund will be issued for that period – regardless of whether the product is paid for in full or via monthly payments.  

 *Price is calculated based on exchange rate at time of purchase.  

Premium Membership Survey Prize Draw

  1. The prize draw is open to all respondents who complete the Premium Membership 2022 survey and leave their full names. Anonymous entries cannot be entered.
  2. Only one entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified.
  3. There are three 1-2-1s available as prizes, for three different people.
  4. The prize draw closes at 11.59 on 2nd November 2022 [with winners drawn by Jericho Writers on 3rd November 2022 using a computer programme to randomly generate three winners].
  5. The winners will be notified by email on 4th November 2022 to the email address they use for their Premium Membership. If the winner does not claim the prize within 30 days of being notified, then they will forfeit the prize and a re- draw will take place. To claim the prize winners must follow the instructions in the email notifying them that they are the winner.
  6. There is no cash alternative to the prize.
  7. No responsibility will be accepted for incomplete or lost entries or entries not received.
  8. By entering the prize draw you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  9. Promoter: Jericho Writers, 4 Acer Walk, Park Town, Oxford, OX2 6EX.