Jumpstart Your Novel: How To Start Writing A Book – Jericho Writers
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Jumpstart Your Novel: How To Start Writing A Book

Get your novel idea off the ground with this eight-week long interactive online course

Take the first step towards writing your book with

Knowing how to take your novel from an idea in your head to words on the page can be the hardest part of writing. With this eight-week online course, you’ll work with a small group of writers and an expert tutor to help you take those all-important first steps.

By the end of the course, you’ll have your opening chapter written, an industry-standard synopsis, and a firm plan for how to tackle the next steps.

This course is delivered by our education partner, Professional Writing Academy.

Key Information

Start date: April 17 2023

Duration: 8 weeks

Skill level: Beginner

Frequency: Weekly

Sessions: 7

Price: £900*

*10% Premium Member Discount available (contact us for details)

Why choose this course?

Flexible learning You’ll learn through a mix of videos, podcasts, written lectures and reading extracts – all at a time to suit you.

Direct feedback on your work You’ll be regularly sharing your work with your peers and course tutors who will be providing professional-style feedback on your submission.

A community of writers Through discussing your work with others and providing feedback on your peers’ work, you’ll form a strong community with your fellow writers that could last a lifetime.

Your Tutor: Kylie Fitzpatrick

Kylie Fitzpatrick is the author of four novels, published in eleven languages.
She has Masters and Doctoral degrees in Creative Writing and, until 2019, was a tutor and lecturer on the world-leading Creative Writing Degree and MA courses at Bath Spa University.

Kylie is a commissioning editor at Archetype Books and a literary consultant for Writer’s & Artist’s at Bloomsbury Publishing and Cornerstones.

She has worked in script development for the BBC, Australian Broadcasting Commission and Beyond Productions and has lived and worked in the US, Australia, Europe and the UK.

Jumpstart Your Novel Course Syllabus

Session 1: Beginnings

You as a novel writer – why do you want to write this novel, and why is now the right time? Establishing your intent, your mission as a novel writer and committing to the expedition. Finding the right idea – taking inspiration from the world around you, or asking your inner writer to give you a good idea. Share a summary of your novel idea.

Session 2: Character & Plot

Who is going to inhabit this story? And what needs to happen to that character: drama is action! Exercises to help you catch up with your central character and ask them what they long for and want to achieve. Getting more curious about your character and how to introduce them to your reader (and the group) for the first time.

Session 3: Setting & Atmosphere

Bringing real or imagined settings to life in your novel, with practical sensory description techniques. What makes this different from writing a non-fiction description? How to get inside your narrator character so readers have a sense of seeing everything – action, landscapes, interiors, other characters – filtered through the very specific lens of this fictional person.

Session 4: Point of View

The art of listening for the difference in how people express themselves, and how to ‘hear’ the voice of a character in your head when you are writing. What suits you best as a point of view choice – experiment with what comes naturally and other options. Who is most affected by the events of your story?

Session 5: Shaping a Story

How character and plot are intertwined. Build a short scene to introduce your character’s ordinary world, learning how to bury clues and get your readers begging for change. Structural systems to try out, with tricks of the trade including a map in three acts. The dance between plotting and trusting the muse, allowing some space for magic and the unexpected.

Session 6: Write Your Synopsis

How to tell your story in three simple sentences and build it up into a synopsis, a stand-alone version of the story that will help you write a first draft and has the potential to be the blurb readers read on the back-cover. The seven elements of a synopsis and how to enjoy its creative process, clarifying your idea, allowing you to focus on the scope and shape of the story, and learn secrets about your characters, voice and potential as a novelist.

Session 7: Novel Openings

We’re finally there: you have two weeks to immerse yourself in the fictional world you’re creating and write the opening of your novel. We’ll look at setting your narrator’s mood as the novel opens, finding an overarching ‘voice’ that will feel comfortable over the length of a novel, and techniques to draw readers instantly into your fictional world. With your tutor you’ll also think about what next, and how to keep up momentum as a novel writer.

It’s been the best learning experience I have ever had. That’s partly the amazing material and support, partly that it’s so timely to my writing needs and partly because the online learning platform is so well suited to all this.
Alex, Previous Student

Frequently asked


Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for both beginners and those with some writing experience. As long as you have an idea of what you want to write, you’ll benefit from taking part.

The course is suitable if the following sounds like you:

  • You have an idea of the novel you want to write – it doesn’t have to be fully formed. Perhaps you have a topic you’d like to explore or an idea of a setting, that’s plenty to work with
  • You’d like to explore where your writing can go in the form of a novel
  • You want to get your novel off the ground or stress-test your idea
  • You’re writing a novel but feel blocked with it
  • You want to develop effective novel-writing habits
  • You like the discripline of feedback and deadlines
  • You want to be amongst a small group of dedicated and friendly writers in a workshop environment
  • You’re able to dedicate 5-7 hours per week for the duration of the course

What will this course teach me?

Over the course you will learn:

  • How to choose great novel ideas and how to realise them
  • How to write an effective synopsis and opening chapter
  • The fundamentals of novel writing including character development, point of view, story, and structure
  • What skills professional writers need including discipline, attention to detail, and writing to deadlines
  • How to become an effective critique partner for your fellow course-mates
  • How to receive and act upon constructive feedback

Where can I find the full course syllabus?

You can find the syllabus here. If you have any more questions about the course, please do get in touch by emailing info@jerichowriters.com.


Is this a Jericho Writers’ course?

We’re delivering this course in partnership with Professional Writing Academy. You can find out more about them here. Once you click through to pay for the course, you will be taken to Professional Writing Academy’s website to complete your purchase.