US Literary Agents For Paranormal Romance – Jericho Writers
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US Literary Agents For Paranormal Romance

US Literary Agents For Paranormal Romance

Have you just finished your novel and are ready to begin your search for an agent? Well, we’re here to help! 


Paranormal Romance

There is no one who hasn’t heard of the Twilight novels, or who is unaware of the success and effect they had on multiple creative industries. In its heyday, there was such a demand for paranormal romance that the market became saturated. Nowadays, you have to be a little more careful when marketing your paranormal romance novel, specifically in making sure you have a clear USP (Unique Selling Point). The success of Twilight does not mean that another book featuring a love triangle between a human, a vampire, and a werewolf will be successful. It’s already been done. Many times, in fact. 

Paranormal romance takes the comfort of a good romance novel and combines it with a level of fantasy that allows the reader to be whisked away to another world. This level of excitement and a fresh take on the traditional romance genre makes it accessible to younger readers, such as YA. While they are not the only demographic for paranormal romance they have certainly become the primary one.  

It is important, when clarifying your genre, to remember the ‘rules’ that come with genre romance. For a book to be classified as romance, or in this case paranormal romance, one of the primary focuses of the story should be this romance. There are many books out there that may suit a fantasy or urban fantasy genre better, as the romance exists as more of a sub-plot in the story. It’s important to take a close look at your novel and make sure that you have chosen a genre that best represents it. 

AgentMatch And How To Use It

There are plenty of paranormal romance-loving agents, but you won’t want to approach them all. The best way to develop and refine your own shortlist of US agents for paranormal romance is to visit AgentMatch, our literary agent database, and use the search tools on the left to make your selection. 

With AgentMatch you can select by genre (e.g. paranormal romance), country, the agent’s level of experience, their appetite for new clients, and much more. You can even save your search results and come back to them, allowing you to work through them one by one, at your own pace. Each profile has been researched thoroughly including what agents like to read in their spare time, information on their most recent deals, manuscript wishlists, submission requirements, and exclusive interviews. 

You can sign-up for a 7-day free trial which will give you a good feel for the data and functionality. Or join us as a premium member and get unlimited access to AgentMatch. 

US Agents For Paranormal Romance 

To get you started we’ve selected a list of 20 US agents looking for paranormal romance novels: 

More Resources  

We’re here to help you at every step in your writing and querying process. Check out our favourite blogs that can assist you in putting together your query letter and synopsis, and if you want valuable, personal feedback on your writing you can book a fifteen-minute One-to-One with an agent of your choice. Premium members can also get a free query letter review from our lovely Writers Support team!    

Happy searching, and good luck on your querying journey!   

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